Emmy's House Children's Advocacy Center, which operates under the umbrella of the Randolph County Family Crisis Center, was established in March 2018. A local police officer brought up the idea to the crisis center after handling a number of cases. It was then that the organization worked alongside city and county leaders, the District Attorney's Office, and other organizations to get the center opened up.
We are a non-profit organization serving child abuse victims from Randolph County in conjuction with the District Attorney's Office, Randolph County Department of Social Services, Asheboro Police Department, Liberty Police Department, Archdale Police Department, and Randleman Police Department.
Our Mission
To reduce the devastating long-term effects that all forms of child abuse have on children, their families, and society through immediate, coordinated, child-focused services, education, and advocacy.
Our Purpose
To provide a systematic, multi-disciplinary response to reported cases of child sexual abuse as well as physical abuse, ensuring the safety and well-being of the children in our community.
The Randolph County Family Crisis Center
Emmy's House Children's Advocacy Center operates under the umbrella of The Randolph County Family Crisis Center. The Randolph County Family Crisis Center serves people in crisis from domestic and family violence, sexual assault, rape, child abuse, and human trafficking while working to eliminate these issues in our community.